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Greetings from your yearbook photographer in a bygone century.  
We didn't hire a professional photographer for our 50th reunion.  Big mistake.  
Sure, no problem.  You would pitch in and take a picture -- many friends and spouses did.
But would you shout the chatting children down and order them to face the camera?  
We did what we could with what we had.    
Classmates and friends got me 19 full-resolution, original files, and I picked this one to start with:

One of Dan Gibson's original photos.  
Let's deal with darkness later.  
The first problem is to create a "canvas" on which to work.
What luck!  The photographer pointed the camera down on the very next photo he took (below), so people would not have had time to move much and thus slice themselves in half if I joined the two photos.

Dan Gibson's other original photo for our group shot.  
 Click any group photo to enlarge.

Joining the two photos and fixing the lighting gives the basic class reunion photo:

Two photos stitched into one.  

Humm, what to do with the other photos?
Head transplants bring smiles to every face.  

We assigned a name to every face -- if you don't like your name, pick another one and tell us.  We'll change it.  We've  been doing that  for 6 weeks now.  After we used up all our names, we still had over half-a-dozen ones left over.  These were  Known Attendees apparently  AWOL from the photo.
Margaret Rodeffer Winesette spotted the first hold-outs behind some  pillars on the right.   Carol Davis Cole said to look for John Lieurance hanging out around the railings on the right.  I found him immediately, but he turned out to be John Grant.  Look, if I could recognize anyone, I wouldn't need to make this photo.  
Clyde Clark, Michael Mote, Ron Kosciusko John Grant.Elvis impersonator Oct 2009
Clyde Clark (above) ducked out of cover and was shot.  Also photographed were Michael Mote and Ron Kosciusko.  John Grant walked by and was immediately put behind bars (which had to be bent a little to fit).  Don Thornett, we always get our man -- send us a photo of yourself, attn: Missing Persons Bureau.

Ginia Pinkerton Houston photographed our Elvis impersonator and I got him to join our group photo.

To exchange photos, we found the  new (2010) service from
  much better than e-mail, which is slow and doesn't always accept large files -- not what e-mail was designed for.  

Getting anyone's original photos (not just low-resolution copies) out of Kodak Gallery proved nearly impossible.  Kodak takes your private property and then makes you pay to get it back.  The Web is loaded with horror stories like this one:

Kodak Gallery sucks because they deleted nine years worth of photos for me including wedding and honeymoon. I had a hard drive crash and was counting on that for back up and when I went to look at them, they were deleted because I had not spent $4.99 in the last year.
The leading paid "photo gallery" or "slide show" or "album" services (search on those terms for more) are
Why is no percentage given for Picasa's market share in revenues?  
Because, kids, it is free.  There are no revenues.  
It is also the most advanced, has the most generous storage, and offers the most free software.


We have twin Michael sisters, why not triplet Brian Oberts?  

At 15DDec2010  10:22  Wednesday, you wrote:
Why does it look like Brian obert is in the photo 3 thimes in the back.

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 20:24:51 -0500
To: "Margaret Winesett" <margaret r w nospaces @ verizon.net>
From: Jerry Nelson <jerry  atsign nelsonic  dotorg>

Like all the tall, handsome men, he went obediently to the very back.
Brian was in every photo, always hidden, always trying to crane his neck to be seen.
Who was more frustrated, he or I?
I had about 19 photos to work with.
6021, wait for it to load, blow it up, dark as night up there, lighten it, look for Brian.
6022, 6023, 6024 . . ..
Towards the end I found a profile, and pasted it in.
then a face, and I added that -- I'll remove the profile later, I thought.

6034, coffee's stone cold, no sense quitting now. 6038, 6039 

Of course, wouldn't you know it, the clear shot emerges in the very last one, as the crowd turns and breaks up to leave.
Something snapped inside, I just lost it.
Three Brian Oberts and I'll never have to look for him again.

Date: Sat, 11 & 16 Dec 2010 04:40:50 -0800 (PST)
From: susan hall <grammy2boys  she's at yahoo dot com >
Subject: looked at picture again!!
To: Jerry Nelson <jerry-VA at speakeasy  dotnet>

Looked at picture again.   More info.
Clyde Clark is one of the guys on that rail to the right.   Margaret has a picture of him, if you can insert him somehow.
I'm pretty sure that the person you have listed as Linda Muehlenhort is really Lynn Mechling.
There are three men under the "BO" for Brian Obert.  Who are the other two men??

From: HCRATER         Hap Crater is at aol dot com.
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 22:07:07 EST
Subject: Re: MHS60 - Webpage for class
To: jerry-VA at speakeasy  dotnet

Thanks Jerry,
Great Job!
Is it my imagination or did Brian Obert have a double (or maybe a triple) image !

Yours in crime,

Jerry Nelson '60

Top of just this page
Main 50th Reunion page for the MHS Class of '60
Home page for all the McLean60 webpages I have done so far
Messy homepage for my entire miserable Website

Rev 23Dec10