McLean High School  1958-1960
McLean, VA 22101
Girls' Curtain Call
The girls at Maxim's!      Merry Widow, 1960
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I TOOK HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS (yearbook staff guy). 
The good news is that 900 are lost somewhere between here and Australia.  The bad news is that I'll never get through the 1200 other black and white negs.  Meanwhile here are some color slides I never knew I had until Dad died and Mom cleaned out the house. 

are listed at the bottom.
This list helps Nancy Ames find her favorite photos.  It'll help you, too,  figure out fast that you have something better to do today than look at all this.

ENLARGE ANY PHOTO by clicking on it.

D-sub1 overview.
click on any photo to enlarge

YOU CAN PRINT THE PHOTOS after doing a click-to-enlarge. 
After the bigger image shows up, use your browser to print it.   Write me if you have any problems.

WHEN SENDING YOUR OWN PHOTOS TO CONTRIBUTE, use something like Priority Mail or FedEx that can be traced.  I'll return the favor.  (Thank you, Hunter Lindsay, Danny Hall.)   If you don't have a photo to send, just say hello by email -- we are still missing email addresses for nearly half our class (McLean 1960, originally 385 kids).  

You say:  You'll never waste your time on this and besides you wouldn't recognize anyone if you did.

Reality says:  there is no other room of people you will ever walk into where you are safer than you are here.  

People's only goal is to enjoy each others' company.  Who is going to be stupid enough to try to score points about anything in such a diverse group of people?  It's fun just discovering what people pursued -- rural solitude after something tumultuous, collections and the expertise to pursue them, constant relocations or a stable community near family, or science, or the Agency for International Development . . .    It's people-salad, all different.  And yet you were in the same place at the same time during the same decisive years in your life as everyone else in the room.  And they want to know what happened to you.  Tragedy has visited some.  They want to know that you're OK.   

Did you think reunions were some kind of demanding professional meeting, one where you had to present something important to your career?  No way.  This is
the safest room of people you will ever walk into.  They care about you, no two lives are the same, and it's actually OK to talk about what's important in life.  That's why people are here.  P.S. Glance at the dancing.  There are couples on the floor who fell  in love practically as children, utterly comfortable with one another now, eager to possess the moment -- still one more moment in a life they wish would last forever.  You will spot them.

Been to one?  Find someone who never has and convert them.  Everyone I've had a chance to meet at reunions has been easy to talk to.  No two lives are the same.

Did you go to 5 schools on 3 continents before you and your dad landed in Washington DC?  Still anxiously save cartons just in case you have to move again?  If you're a Military Brat  (or State Dept. or Central Intelligence Agency), then  you ought to go to a couple Overseas Brats events:   "Iran", "Japan", "France", pick your table at those reunions.  700 American bases in an empire that will circle the globe forever.  Or maybe not.   

For those who did time in Germany, your high school yearbooks are all here:
The "Berlin Brats Alumni Association" has put them all on line, not just the ones for Berlin.
No, really!   Page 128, the little guy middle of 2nd row -- that's me with my 9th grade class, Frankfurt, Germany.  


             Showboat!  1958
             Skin of our Teeth 1959  (+ some shots of Nancy Ames, Craig Colby, Danny Hall)
             The Merry Widow  1960, and all the girls at Maxim's
              Brad Gale's page  (sorry, Brad)
              Parties at Maggie & Amanda's house (Theo Veenkamp, John Budlong)
              Reunion 2010, giving names for everyone who came from the Class of 1960
"Remarkable that we had color back then.
               Also hair."        --James O. Howard '60   

Jerry Nelson '60
jerry-VA at speakeasy  net
Yearbook Photographer last century at
McLean High School
1633 Davidson Road
McLean, Virginia 22101

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