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Flat Rate Envelope
$4.60 at the counter 14May2007
$5.15 at the counter 22Jan2012, up from  $5.00
$5.60 at the counter 27Jan2013, up from $5.15 
$5.60 at the counter 26Jan2014, no change
$5.75 at the counter 31May2015, up from $5.60; no change in on-line at $5.05
     On 31May2015, envelope and small/med/lg boxes all increased at the counter, but remained the same online.
17 Jan2016 the on-line discount was abolished; all envelopes $5.75.   4April2016 was a roll-back of some domestic rates, but not these. 
$6.45 at the counter 10April2016; online discounts have ended.  This is counterproductive.
$6.65 at the counter 22Jan2017;  no online discount.
$6.70 at the counter 21Jan2018;
no online discount.

Flat Rate Box - SMALL
$5.00 online  in 17Apr2011, up from $4.85 in 2010
$5.35 at the counter, $5.15 online in  22Jan2012, up from  $5.00 online
$5.80 at the counter 27Jan13, up from $5.35 at the counter in 2012; unchanged Jan2014
$5.95 at the counter 31May2015, up from $5.80; no change in on-line at $5.25.
$6.10 at the counter 17 Jan2016.  On-line discount at $5.25 abolished.    4April2016 was a roll-back of some domestic rates, but not these. 
$6.80 at the counter 10April2016; online discounts have ended.  This is counterproductive.
$7.15 at the counter 22Jan2017;  no online discount.
$7.20 at the counter 21Jan2018;
no online discount.                                          7               

Flat Rate Box - MEDIUM
$ 8.95 at the counter 14May2007; there are no other sizes of box
$10.50 online in 2011, up from $10.20 in 2010

$11.35 at the counter, $10.85 online in 22Jan2012, up from $10.50 online

$12.35 at the counter 27Jan13, up a buck from $11.35 at the counter; unchanged Jan2014
$12.65 at the counter 31May2015, up from $12.35; no change on-line at $11.30.
$11.95 at the counter 17 Jan2016.  On-line discount at $11.30 abolished.   
$13.45 at the counter 10April2016; online discounts have ended.  This is counterproductive.
       10April2016 was a roll-back of some domestic rates, but not these, and seldom to levels at any particular point in time.
$13.60 at the counter 22Jan2017;  no online discount.
$13.65 at the counter 21Jan2018;  
no online discount.                           t.

Flat Rate Box - LARGE
2008              $12.95 at the counter; don't have online or APO prices
2009May12    $13.50 at the counter, APO $11.95; parcel prices are incrementing in May, 1st class stamps in January.
2010,May      $13.95 at the counter, APO $11.95 unchanged
2011Apr17     $14.20 at the counter, APO $12.20.
2012Jan22     $15.45 counter, $14.65 online, APO $13.45 counter, $12.65 online.
2013Jan27     $16.85 counter, $15.30 online, APO.  Unchanged?
2014Jan26     $17.45 counter, $15.80 online, APO $15.45 at the counter, $13.80 online. 
2015May31    $17.90 counter, $15.80 online unchanged, APO $15,90 at the counter, $13.80 unchanged online.
                             i.e, online prices unchanged, but all prices at the counter are higher.
2016Jan17      $16.35.  On-line discount at $15.80 abolished.   APO $14.35; online discount at $13.80 abolished.

2016Apr10      $18.75 counter,   APO $16.75.  Online discounts have ended.  This is counterproductive.
       10April2016 was a roll-back of some domestic rates, but not these, and seldom to levels at any particular point in time.
22Jan17         $18.85 counter;  APO $17.35  at the counter; no online discount.
21Jan18         $18.90 counter;  APO/FPO/Diplomatic $17.40;
no online discount.


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Rev 2015Jul10, 2016April28, 12Feb2017, 26Jan2018.                   7