Jerry Nelson, McLean, VA - February 2018
bottom & links
The Russians discovered social media in 2016.
Russian and US intel communities watch each other. Our intel
community did not want to make a partisan election disturbance, and
waited to tell us anything until after the coronation of Clinton.
Facebook was preoccupied with its global growth and was
clueless. Below, we go through Facebook's first public
statement about what happened (27April2017), and I show along the way
how their view compares to what the intel community revealed in dual
briefings to the outgoing (Obama) and incoming (Trump) presidents -- at
least as much of it as was cleared for public release on
LEFT IT ON THE STOVE, SIMMERING. The intelligence agencies saw
Russian penetration of state election boards April, 2014, two years
before the 2016 Presidential election season, and penetrations of the
Democratic political party a year later (July 2015). But the
intel community did not go public until the January 2017 document
below. Here in Washington, talk is that it was assumed Hilary
would win, so better to wait until that's done than to come out during
the heated election battle and look partisan. They were going to
tell us that the Russians tried to throw the election to Trump, but
obviously it didn't work, so we shouldn't worry, they would defend
HOW DO TROLLS USE FACEBOOK? In July 2015, more than a year before
the election, Russia began
penetration of servers at Democratic National Committee (DNC)
headquarters, and later exploited what they stole by climbing onto
Facebook and shouting about it. Next to nothing was done to
protect the
DNC. As for Facebook, they wanted no protection. Facebook
wanted all the traffic they could get, and Russia walked in, setting up
a workshop ("troll factory") of people and automated equipment to give
Facebook the traffic of tens of thousands of new people -- new accounts
and registrations from people who sometimes posted the most amazing
things -- look at the traffic! -- even paid money to take out
ads. This was the Facebook business model at work, and it was
It was easy for Russia to influence these people's psychology, because
they weren't people. After any juicy detail exfiltrated from the
DNC had been dropped onto the Internet, the troll farm could "discover"
it -- so many of them that soon the tidbit was "trending" and the race
was on. The ride got wilder with each new leak and soon there was
so much momentum that Russia just dropped the entire set of files for
John Podesta's emails -- Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman -- onto
WikiLeaks without needing to pump it on Facebook. I presume
the emails passed through a chain of colorful conspirators --
institutions, organizations, and real people -- so that no one could
prove the trail started with Russian intelligence, leaving only
forensics people at the DNC servers saying, "That malware program looks
like others we've seen from them -- can't prove it, but it looks like
them." The Russians drive Twitter the same way as Facebook,
using automated robots ("bots" -- scripts and programs, not the kind of
robots that assemble cars).
NOT JUST THE USA. High traffic
means higher ratings and advertising returns. When you roll out
the carpet, you're asking to be walked on. Here is Facebook's
first look at itself and how it let Russia walk all over it . . . and
then set up 30,000 known troll accounts in France, to do the same
thing all over again, to get an anti-democratic, pro-hate candidate to
take France apart after their election (23April2017), just as we
are taking ourselves apart now.
FWIW, I was a scientist, but Dad was a CIA Case Officer, so I've been
aware since childhood that things aren't always what they seem.

I'd like to take you through Facebook's Information Operations and Facebook, 27Apr2017, 13pp
enriched for better reality contact with the Director of National Intelligence report 6Jan2017, 25pp.
I've tried hard reduce Facebook's white paper in length and raise its honesty, while [keeping anything I add] perfectly clear.
"Information Operations and Facebook",
Facebook's side of the Russia story
EDITOR: J. I. Nelson, IEEE
05/18/2017 Rev 02/5/2018
Today, civic engagement takes place
in an "information ecosystem" that is rapidly evolving with the
planet's own
globalization, something driven in turn by the information networks on
which Facebook is another "platform". Everyone is
encouraged to enjoy access to these platforms, and to produce as well
as consume. The information ecosystem offers us
- an increased speed and
- an increased scale of impact.
[EDITOR: We circled the globe in
fiber-optic networks at the dawn of the millennium. But these
social platforms could
arise on those big, fiber-optic networks only after software arose to
manage "big
data", spread across globally-distributed data centers and managed on
elastically growing -- or contracting -- storage arrays. The
arrays electricity consumption is high enough to warrant building new
data centers next to hydroelectric dams (cheaper rates) and the chips'
heat generation is high enough to warrant building new data centers in
the Arctic. I return to "direct quotes" or (unquoted) a condensed paraphrase of Facebook's report.]
The network's immediacy, reach, and
always-on persistence changes social contacts on them from person-to-person
messaging into group-social interactions
Social networks have social
amplification. Everyone is a potential social amplifier, and social
amplification varies with social passion (followers), not with truth.
False amplifiers can be created with
false accounts on any social network. The account creation is
performed by paid staff of government or non-state actors.
creation of a "large numbers of sparsely populated fake accounts that
... engage with content at high volumes" is not currently
well-automated. Following account creation, engagement for false
social amplification requires "people with language skills and a basic
knowledge of the political situation in the target
countries". [EDITOR: Director of National Intelligence
6Jan2017 says these people
work in St. Petersburg at the Internet Research Agency funded by a
close Putin ally.]
False amplifiers must arouse
passions, perhaps through sensationalism, to achieve social
amplification of their message. False news is used for
passion-arousing sensationalism, as well as for the deception
itself. Deception is pursued with disinformation methods that
include black propaganda (false flag news): "seeding stories to
journalists . . ., including via fake online personas". [EDITOR: e.g.,
"Gucifer", below.]
FACEBOOK: "...we believe that
campaigns based upon leaked or stolen information can be especially
effective in driving engagement" because of their high inherent
amplification factor.
For the Democratic National Committee
and John Podesta e-mail leaks, FACEBOOK believes that there was
"reconnaissance" followed by attempts to steal log-on names and
passwords. As Facebook puts it, "cyber operations against
individuals" using
"malware" on a few machines to exfiltrate "credentials" for many other
machines, followed by "spearphishing" those other machines, then
"account-takeover" where user/password credentials were already
available, and then "data theft" from the entire server. With
"account takeover", there is no need for "targeted data collection" by
malware, as the entire server can be exfiltrated. [EDITOR: "In July
2015, Russian intelligence gained access to Democratic National
Committee (DNC) networks and maintained that access until at least June
2016." --Director of National Intelligence report of 6Jan2017. FACEBOOK
"believes"/accepts these findings, and admits to no forensics of their
[EDITOR: Voter rolls list party affiliation -- what if you turn up to
vote and you're no longer on the rolls? Gerrymandering colors our
districts red and blue, it's obvious -- if you turn up to vote in your
district, and the lines are too long because of "equipment
problems"? Is the server on which your state's votes are totaled
any different from the DNC server that the Russians emptied?]
After the DNC server was emptied (copied in its entirety) "content Creation" began, by
"seeding of stories to press, meme and story generation, and fake
account/persona creation" on FACEBOOK's own platform.
initial "amplifiers" were individual bloggers with whom foreign case officers
(operatives like my father in his day) might have had contact, now approached by
concealed-identity, online sources or "personas". The most famous
persona was Gucifer 2.0 -- the original Gucifer, 1.0 as it were, is a
Romanian now in jail. Gucifer 2.0 was a front for more than one
individual and a source of stolen Democratic party documents before
they were later dumped wholesale onto WikiLeaks. Later amplification was easier; Russia used
social media platforms, where false amplifier groups running on false
accounts had by then been set up, and could launch a (faked) social response.]
FACEBOOK describes early amplifiers
on their own platform as "a smaller number of carefully curated
accounts that exhibit authentic characteristics with well-developed
online personas." [Editor: this was Rev 1, and the success
surprised everyone. Obviously Russia will have decided to invest in
more computer automation, so that more bot accounts can look, in
Facebook's terms, "carefully curated". ]
"False amplification" proceeded with
"fake accounts spreading memes [easily-perceived logos and mythology]
and content, creation of astroturfing groups, and comment[-area]
spam." [EDITOR: It's so easy and effective to excite people
hooked on social media that Russians amplified and perhaps actually
staged street demonstrations in our cities.]
FACEBOOK believes the intent was:
1. "Promoting or denigrating a specific cause or issue.
2. "Sowing distrust in political institutions.
3. "Spreading confusion . . . muddying civic discourse and
pitting rival factions against one another.
In several instances, we identified malicious actors on FACEBOOK who,
via inauthentic accounts, actively engaged across the political spectrum
with the apparent intent of increasing tensions between supporters
of these groups and fracturing their supportive base."
[EDITOR telling Democrats that Hillary screwed Bernie Sanders.]
For [implicitly] the John Podesta emails, FACEBOOK states:
-- "private...information was accessed and stolen;"
-- "Dedicated sites hosting this data were registered;"
-- "Fake personas were created on Facebook and elsewhere to ...amplify awareness of this
-- Entire social media "pages were created to amplify news accounts of, and
direct people to, the stolen data;" [EDITOR: a social media "page" is
yesterday's Internet "home page." The social media "page" can
come with separate
pages/screens showing your education and places lived, photos,
"movies I recently watched", my thoughts for the day -- all of them cluttered up with
comments from "friends". This is what the Russians did on what Facebook called
their "carefully curated" robot pages, crafted on their troll farm.]
-- "From there, organic proliferation of the messaging and data through
authentic peer groups and networks was inevitable." [EDITOR: 'viral'
FACEBOOK wishes to remind us that,
although a "set of malicious actors engaged in false amplification",
"the reach of the content spread by these accounts was less than
one-tenth of a percent of the total reach of [all] civic content on
claim is all but meaningless. Everything is less than one-tenth
of a percent on Facebook. The 300 petabytes
of data already in FACEBOOK's data centers (the Hive, 2014) is
incomprehensibly large. It would fill a pile of the biggest, most
expensive hard
drives today -- 10 terabytes each -- three-quarters of a kilometer
high to hold the data FACEBOOK has accumulated (and sells). All
my most favorite, danceable pop hits add up to nearly 1GB of
storage. I could put a copy onto Facebook's servers for each man,
woman and child in the USA -- spread that gigabyte out to 300 million
people -- and that, too, would be less than one-tenth of a percent of
the total data store of FACEBOOK. The amount of Russian-related
traffic was enormous. The world is in a new place.
Fiber optics, the LAN, the router, the Internet itself, the integrated
circuit CPUs that run it all, social media -- Napster, Facebook,
Twitter -- all invented by us, and now turned against us. Truly
must they think we are stupid. We are the most technologically
advanced civilization yet seen on the face of this Earth. We must
either understand the technology or lose the civilization.]
"Facebook is not in a position to
make definitive attribution . . . however our data does [sic] not
contradict the attribution provided by the U.S. Director of National
Intelligence" [DNI] in the 6 Jan 2017 report, "Assessing Russian
Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections,"
[EDITOR: The intel report says the FBI, CIA, and NSA are confident
Russia used paid media trolls, and sought to undermine Clinton's future
as President when they thought she had one, and undermine her campaign
when they thought it could be killed. Putin directed this
Also, the intel community says:
"Russian intelligence obtained
and maintained access to elements of multiple US state or local
electoral boards" and "researched US electoral processes and related
technology and equipment" since early 2014, but [EDITOR] chose not to
preferentially block voters by changing registration rolls, enter
voting machines to change machine tallies, or interfere with the
totalizing network for all machines, the DNI implies, albeit it is now
too late to confirm such assertions with an audit of the
hardware. The attempt of the Green Party's Jill Stein to get the
machines impounded in time for forensic checks was crushed, and the
opportunity forever lost. If you thought it was about "recounting
the vote," you played into Russia's hands. The issue remains voting machine integrity and post-election forensics. Please be more savvy, this is not over.]
False amplification from fraudulent accounts has a technical fingerprint:
--synchronized account creation
--synchronized content posting
--synchronized responses ("likes", re-postings)
--episodic bouts of content creation
Detecting synchronization does not require FACEBOOK to judge content.
Foreign financing that leaves
[mis-]information operations "not constrained by per-unit economic
realities" and makes detection by FACEBOOK more complex.
Nevertheless, FACEBOOK could "take action against over 30,000 fake accounts" in France as
of April 13. [Emmanuel Macron and Marine LePen emerged as front-runners
on the 23 April 2017 first-round election; Macron's final win was 7 May
High-profile FACEBOOK users get
high-sophistication attacks. FACEBOOK has to be "working directly
with government bodies" to achieve the extra protections needed for
such targeted individuals, and targets must also act when notified by
FACEBOOK. [This means Facebook is working closely with high-power
intrusion detection gurus today to protect Donald Trump's account, and
is not talking about it.]
New Facebook "products" (user pop-ups) lower the social amplification factor.
The dear old days of individuals
abusing other individuals (stealing an account and its identity,
abusing and stalking one person online or flooding a forum with
spam) are now eclipsed by the larger problems discussed here, FACEBOOK
notes with apparent pride and perhaps a touch of sadness.

top -- you
are reading how Russia used Facebook's platform to draw attention to
juicy information exfiltrated by cyberattacks that penetrated poorly
shielded American servers
The March for Science, 2017 - a photoessay
Climate March, 2017 - a photoessay
home for this website, such as it as
A happier website with a couple travel photoessays
Rev 20May202017
Rev 8Feb2018 added introduction for how trolls do it, how my father did it, 11Feb
and sketched
multi-year context of Russia's cybersurveillance - persistent, aren't they? Not going away any time soon.
Rev17Feb18 should have put my name on top.
Rev7Mar18 typos, JillStein link