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Old friends from France hit health problems and headed home --
made it here, just as Virginia hit her peak autumn colors.
We took these photos for them.
Friday was overcast (above, below). Brilliant sun followed on Saturday.

The next day was brilliantly sunny -- out we went again, and I stood a
little further down on the right for the following alt view.

It's curtains for this home, while
elsewhere, 533,000 Americans are homeless --
on the streets, not even a
rental (National Public Radio, statistics for 2018).

Home again! 6926 Espey Lane, McLean, VA 22101.
I did not dream when I walked to high school across weedy pastures with my friend Reid in 1959
that I would some day live in a house built upon them. Now it too must be torn down, the McMansions are coming!
What is the future of a country with no past?

Few of the many places on three continents where we have lived still stand today. This McLean place will surely fall.
Germany/Europe is the most stable. I remember a remembrance tour of the provincial German town where we lived.
The house with the oldest recorded Jewish residents dated their ownership and occupancy to 300+ years ago,
more than the entire age of my own country, but not enough, it turned out, to make later occupants "German enough"
to avoid arrest and extermination after a pro-homeland, anti-foreigner party came to power in the 1930s.
my postage page - simple postage charts
home for this website, such as it is
Rev 4 Jan 2019; 13Jan19 typo final map page