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Robin gets a hug from Jinx Smith after Meredith Cole's tribute
and presentation of gifts on behalf of the School, while Lydia Sorrels
looks on. We were also cheered to see Christine
Langford but
I failed to get a photo.
Here are some from the Madeira Christmas Party the month
before (Dec07).
click any image to enlarge
(above left) Christine Langford and (right) Jinx and
Mansfield Smith at
(below) the Madeira School Christmas Party 2007, Student Center
Who will forget Andy Gaylord's fabulous food?
(right) Jinx Smith, Robin
Hannay Nelson, Lydia Sorrels
Robin, Lydia and (right)
Assistant Head Mistress Meredith Cole, Robin & Jerry Nelson
Ann Deegan, Bethanne
Allyson Thompson, BJ Romanoff,
Susan Cowart
Pull your
browser window wider to get 3-across; click photo to enlarge.
Paul Hager,
Dean of Faculty. Ed Hamer, Facilities Services.
Rita Cooley.
Serious engineering with Pat
Susan, BJ
Something lost.
Thank you, Andy, for a great
First she tells the photographer, "It's my party, don't wear a name tag
or act conspicuously." Then she says "Why didn't you get a
picture of everybody?" and recites the names of over 50 people she
noticed were there. Thank you everyone for coming and
apologies if your picture is missing.
click any photo to enlarge
Robin's Madeira pewter
cup, and yes, the roses on Andy's cake were real. In the
background, a small sponge washed up on a beach in Australia and
looking like cooling towers for nuclear power -- Robin in her
Monumental Period. A Professional Development grant
from The Madeira School gave Robin printmaking skills, very much on
display in artwork shown
at Swarthmore College, 2007.
The tea party was great, and
the School's motto was fulfilled:
"Function in disaster, finish in style."
click to enlarge

And, we both add, preserve a
sense of fun!
--Robin & Jerry
Our e-mail addresses: robinhnelson at speakeasy
net and jerry-va at same.
Address for this Website:
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show reception
Rev 16Feb08