GE BWR-5 boiling water reactor going in at Browns Ferry, Alabama, 1973.
The ca. 1100 megaWatt unit is the same as Fukushima Unit 6.
The photo shows the primary containment vessel with ca. 3 cm thick steel walls.
The smaller reactor pressure vessel goes inside and is not visible here.
The lid lying on the foreground is removed every 18 - 24 months to pull fuel rods out the top.
You can get through most of life
with a simple "Bohr model" of the atom (vintage ca. 1909).
An atom's "higher orbitals" aren't just circular.We can build molecules like Tinkertoys -- into into "chair" shapes, rings, fun. SLIDE #4
Nanotechnology in the biology lab: a muscle contracts.SLIDE #5

SLIDE #6End. Rev 30Jun2011