Nancy Axelrod '66 and Debra Bell (with Robert W. Brooks
Right: Robert Wm Brooks '96 sitting behind Robert Levering
'66. Nancy's professional bio:

The indomitable Pat Kenschaft '61, Patrick C '77. and Gracelyn G.
Weaver. Right: Sarah Van Keuren '66 and Cathy Wilkerson '66.
Pat Kenschaft has a home page
which trundles along with no photos past her 320
weekly hour-long radio interview shows on math and education
(remember, she said she was interested in "math and eduction"?) and past her
books without links to buy them, a case of old-fashioned modesty I shall now fix:
Math Power : How to Help Your Child Love
Math, Even if You Don't, Revised Edition by
Patricia Clark Kenschaft
Change Is Possible: Stories of Women and
Minorities in Mathematics by Patricia Clark
Environmental Mathematics in the Classroom
(Classroom Resource Material) by B. A. Fusaro
and P. C. Kenschaft
Pat has applied math to teaching diversity and to teaching
environmental responsibility. She is chair of the Committee
on Mathematics and the Environment of the Mathematical Association of
(MAA) .
In 2003 Pat was chair of the Equity and Diversity Task Force
of the National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics.
Robin & I garden avidly. I assure you the
following is worth reading if you have access to a sunny patch of
dirt anywhere:
I quit, I'm stopping here, you can read it, the feelings of
anxious inadequacy I sometimes get hit with at Swarthmore aren't what I
intended to share here.

Steven Allan Schwartz '77 -- Steven, I blurred it, send me another
photo. Right: Walter Popper '66.

Well, uh, found this on the Web, Steven, it's not blurry, thanks.
"It's my country too"
Get an American Flag and wear it.
It's your country too. |
Jerry Nelson '67 (stock photo, Nov05). I am your
Web master and
the one who goaded Rachel into doing "SPAC Meets Again!" when she first

click to enlarge
Contributions to jerry-va at
removethistext *
Future links to future pages.
home: we need a page w/our mission, origin; once a "real" homepage is
written, this page becomes
"Photos-1st Meeting"
need "Subscribe" link: takes you Swarthmore's signup page for our particular
listserv once we have it
Swarthmore Online Community
Once signed up and logged in, it is easy to find
"SEARCH THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY" to get contact info (or fix up your own).
Action-oriented links
How to
find out who your own Congressman and Senators are, other
action-oriented info
Notable organizations:
--, People For the American Way
research/public interest:
ACLU, Electronic Frontier Fdn
Member pages & publications:
Jerry Nelson:
The technology
and functions of the National Security Agency's warrantless
wiretapping program is explained -- something the Bush administration
has steadfastly refused to do. This necessarily conjectural but broadly
accurate white paper is logical enough to be understood by anyone,
regardless of technical background.
suggestions to jerry-va at removethistext *
(If you have document(s) in computer-file form that is/are not already
published on a Web page, I may be able to make a page for them on this
site. If published already, then let's add the link here
1. Robots scrub valid emails off of discussion group pages and Web
pages so
you write it funny.
2. Life always brings two email addresses, an expendable
public one and a protected
one. You move on to the next public address when the old one
is spammed to death. The most protected private address is an
institutional "alias" (forwarding service) with institutional
longevity, such as or You can run
with it forever, changing the worksite or commercial Internet Service
Provider (ISP) behind the alias as your employment changes or as one ISP becomes too expensive and you purchase
a year with another.
3. Partners (husbands and wives) use separate mailboxes so that
recipients know "who is speaking". Since there is no face
contact, not even a real voice in impoverished email commo (right,
Frank C?),
the total destruction of identity by a cutesy shared mailbox is not
helpful to your recipients. Have mercy. There is no
competitive commercial service out there that doesn't give everyone 2
to 8 free mailboxes, so go activate an additional mailbox on your
Internet Service Provider's (ISP's) customer service Webpage, and
tell your
email client (the email program running locally on your computer, or
the Yahoo/Google/whoever Website if you use Web-based email) to
go check the new address. Voila, each partner
has an Internet existence.
--the very end